Code Is a Means to an end...

Developers should be open about the importance and value of code and not be too precious about their latest creation. An understanding of how good your code should be in terms of what you need to achieve makes you a better developer.

Have a read of the article: 7 Reasons To Hate Your Code

Thank you.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License, including custom images & stylesheets. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @jr0cket
Creative Commons License

Robert Martin - Why Tdd Is Important to a Languages Survival

This morning I watched a really great key note from Uncle Bob about how test driven development is very important to a language, not just in terms of writing clean code but as part of an professional approach to project delivery and relations with the wider industry.

In summary, Smalltalk was an amazing language but its community built walls to keep out the rest of the industry and did not accept that they needed tools to keep their work maintainable through testing (TDD).

I hope you enjoy this 1 hour keynote as much as I did: RailsConf 09: Robert Martin, “What Killed Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby, Too”

Thank you

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License, including custom images & stylesheets. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @jr0cket
Creative Commons License

Scrum to Scurmban Experience Report - Chris Pitts

My notes from Confessions of a Kanban Virgin - Chris Pitts - Thirsty Bear Software - principle consultant and M.D.

Chris was coaching a team that was using scrum towards a leaner approach using Kanban.  At the time Chris had no experience with Kanban and learned to see the potential of the team as they tried it out.

When Chris arrived, something was not quite working right with the teams Scrum approach and kanban seemed a more relevant approach. Here is what Chris did to try support the team in their efforts.

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BDD With JBehave and Netbeans - a First Taste

This is a quick overview of how I created a simple hello world example using JBehave and Netbeans, following the BDD development practices.

Create a New Project

Create a new project in Netbeans Ctrl-Shift-N

Select a Java Application template (from the Java category) and call the project HelloBDDWorld

package org.jr0cket.scenarios;
import org.jbehave.scenario.Scenario;

public class IReceiveAGreetingWhenILogin extends Scenario {

public IReceiveAGreetingWhenILogin(){
super(new LoginSteps());


package org.jr0cket.scenarios;

import org.jbehave.scenario.steps.Steps;

class LoginSteps extends Steps {

public LoginSteps() {   }


This exercise is based on the two minute tutorial on the JBehave site, with some added details for Netbeans and a couple of corrections.

Thank you.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License, including custom images & stylesheets. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @jr0cket
Creative Commons License

Scala Development in Netbeans and Ubuntu (And MacOSX)

The Netbeans IDE is a pretty lightweight but easily extensible IDE for different languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM):

  • Java - native support
  • Groovy - native support
  • Scala - plugin - works with Scala 2.8
  • Clojure - plugin called enclojure

This article covers setting up Scala in Netbeans 6.8 in Linux (works on MacOSX too) - includes installing Scala 2.8, check out the Netbeans guide for Mac and Windows installs and other tips.

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Collaborative Agile Practices

For what is seen as a lightweight practice, there are a large number of techniques that help an agile team be successful.

Most people are aware of extreme programming, pairing, test driven development and more.  Very few teams I have worked with had experience of the more creative and collaborative practices that make an agile team successful.  Here are some examples of techniques I introduce that are often missed.

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