Code Is a Means to an end...

Developers should be open about the importance and value of code and not be too precious about their latest creation. An understanding of how good your code should be in terms of what you need to achieve makes you a better developer.

Have a read of the article: 7 Reasons To Hate Your Code

Thank you.

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Robert Martin - Why Tdd Is Important to a Languages Survival

This morning I watched a really great key note from Uncle Bob about how test driven development is very important to a language, not just in terms of writing clean code but as part of an professional approach to project delivery and relations with the wider industry.

In summary, Smalltalk was an amazing language but its community built walls to keep out the rest of the industry and did not accept that they needed tools to keep their work maintainable through testing (TDD).

I hope you enjoy this 1 hour keynote as much as I did: RailsConf 09: Robert Martin, “What Killed Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby, Too”

Thank you

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License, including custom images & stylesheets. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @jr0cket
Creative Commons License