Getting Started With Hexo - a Modern Static Site Generator

Hexo is a modern static website generator & bloging platform written in Node.js. It is a great way to create a blog or other content driven websites as all the content is written in markdown and can therefore be versioned with Git.

I am using Hexo for my developer blog (using blogger became very slow) and am also using Hexo for a series of online tutorials on developer tools.

Here is a quick guide to get going with Hexo.

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Creating Your First Post With

So you have installed Hexo (and nodejs), so now you are ready to start blogging. Use the following command to create a new blog post entry (blog posts are the default type of content, although this can be changed in _config.yml):

hexo new "Meaningful blog post title with a hint of SEO"

Hexo will create a new file under source/_posts using the name provided. You can then edit this file and start creating your content using Markdown.

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