Scrum to Scurmban Experience Report - Chris Pitts

My notes from Confessions of a Kanban Virgin - Chris Pitts - Thirsty Bear Software - principle consultant and M.D.

Chris was coaching a team that was using scrum towards a leaner approach using Kanban.  At the time Chris had no experience with Kanban and learned to see the potential of the team as they tried it out.

When Chris arrived, something was not quite working right with the teams Scrum approach and kanban seemed a more relevant approach. Here is what Chris did to try support the team in their efforts.

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Google Wave for Lean and Kanban Exchange at SkillsMatter

A Google Wave has been set up for the Lean and Kanban exchange being held at Skills Matter on Tuesday 1st December.

The wave will be updated during each talk with a summary, please add your contributions at the same time if you can - wave is collaborative so join in… Dont worry if what you type it not perfect…

Direct link to wave:

Or search for the wave in the Navigation panel or type in the search criteria in the Inbox panel search box. Either way you should use the following text:

with:public tag:#leankanbanX 
with:public tag:skillsmatter

Until you follow a wave or are added by someone, you need to include the with:public, otherwise google wave will just look at your inbox.

Once you are following the wave you can find it in your overcrowded inbox by using tag:#leankanbanX or tag:skillsmatter GoogleWave accounts are by invite only at present, if you need an invite please let me know.

Thank you.

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