Customising the Hexo Theme

Whilst I lke the Hexo theme landscape, the default theme for hexo, I plan to make a lot of changes to it in order to maximise the space and add my own design touches.

If you only want to create a few additional entries in the top navigation bar, you can simply add them to the configuration file for the theme hexo-project/theme/landscape/_config.yml. No need for your own theme if this is all you want to do.

Guides to Create a custom theme

Here are a series of guides showing how I changed diffent aspects of the Heroku default them, landscape.

  • Create a new theme bye Forking the Hexo landscape theme
  • Updating the hexo project configuration to use the new theme.
  • Strealining the title & changing the graphic
  • Defining additional items on the top navbar - links inside your hexo website and external websites
  • Changing to the Ubuntu font
  • Adding Font Awesome Icon graphics for social media links
  • Creating different image styles - for topic, thumbnails, code, etc…
  • Using Git submodules for the customised theme - why use a submodule over just cloning the repository

Creating your own theme

Rather than build a new theme from scratch, I am going to base my new theme on the default Hexo theme called Landscape. The Landscape theme has a responsive design and provides much of the design & layout I want from my theme. Using Landscape as a starting point will also give quicker visual feedback for my changes.

Forking the Hexo theme

To create my theme based on Hexo Landscape theme, I first fork the hexo-theme-landscape repository on Github by pressing the fork button on its repository page.

As this is a seperate project I am renaming my fork. In the settings for my fokrked repostior, I change the name of the repostory to hexo-theme-landscape-jr0cket

Then to work on the theme I clone my forked repository into the hexo project for my main website

git clone hexo-project/theme/landscape-jr0cket

Now I can edit the theme as I am building my new website and put all my theme changes into version control as I go. This helps me track what changes I made from the original theme and easily roll back any changes should I need to.

Hexo theme updates

There maybe updates from the original theme I want to incorporate with my new theme, so I also add the repository from the original hexo-theme-landscape to my local clone

git remote add original-theme

Then if there are updates to the original theme, I can create a new branch in my local repository and pull the changes to the original landscape theme in using Git:

git checkout -b original-theme-updates
git pull original-theme master

As I am on a new branch, original-theme-updates I can see the affects of these updates on my website straight away - as I always have hexo server running on my site. The hexo server process picks up any changes immediately and so if I change between the two branches, all I need to do is refresh the browser pointing to my local site and I can see what has changed.

To see the specific code changes I can do a diff between my master branch and the original-theme-branch. If there are any changes I want to keep then I can merge them into master.

Merging specific commits from one branch to another is a Git technique called cherry picking.

Back to Hexo overview | Using Git Submodule to manage your custom Hexo theme

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License, including custom images & stylesheets. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @jr0cket
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